



The Process

How it works ?


Present your project

Start by expressing your vision. Fill out a simple form on our platform to describe your event, whether it's a concert, a conference, an exhibition, or any other type of gathering. Be clear about your goals, your target audience, and what makes your event unique.


Plan your campaign

Once your project is submitted, our team will assist you in creating a captivating fundraising campaign. Set realistic goals, choose attractive rewards for donors, and use effective communication strategies to promote your event.


Launch your event

With the funding secured thanks to community support, it's time to take action. Organize your event following your plan, while keeping your donors informed of the progress. When the big day arrives, make your event shine and create unforgettable moments for all participants.

The Oniloo concept

Unleash your potential!

You have the most original events ideas but having trouble finding funds? Oniloo offers you a crowdfunding platform to bring your ideas to life. Focus on planning the most original events, and fund the amount of money you need through our platform.

  • Give free rein to your imagination and develop unique event concepts.
  • Fully benefit from an innovative financing solution that supports your artistic and creative vision.
  • Manage your fundraising campaigns through an ergonomic and intuitive platform.
crowdfunding community

The power of a community!

Build traction around your event through a solidary and dedicated community. We help you connect with your future attendees with an ergonomic and well thought platform. Get feedbacks, share updates and hype your community up for the best events ever.

  • Contributors validate and endorse the event through their donations.

  • Organizers can interact directly with the public via our platform.

  • The financing system is a win-win for all the actors of the event, allowing for extraordinary moments of sharing and communion.

Master the risks!

Our unique system allows you to mitigate loss by funding the amount you need before officially launching the event. In case the goal is not achieved, the backers are refunded, no harm done. As we believe in the power of knowledge, you can gather feedbacks to prepare the most memorable comeback and innovate on future events.

  • Test your event ideas and validate them with the public before launching.

  • Take advantage of our algorithms to optimize your fundraising campaigns and maximize your potential profits.

  • Monitor your events and gather valuable data for your future concepts.

crowdfunding process

Streamlined Pricing

  • A commission is due only on funds raised through successful campaigns, VAT and banking fees excluded.
  • No charges on unsuccessful campaigns, ensuring risk-free fundraising.
  • Hosting charity events? The commission is on us.



VAT and banking fees are not included in the commission.

Contact us and launch your first events

Fill out the form
Company Name